Skin changes can be often observed in the face. On the one hand there are numerous benign changes as, for example, inconspicuous pigmented moles (nevus cell naevi), age spots (lentigines selines), connective tissue changes (fibromas), sebum cysts (atheromas), blood sponges (hemangiomas), fatty tissue growths (lipomas) but on the other also malignant changes such as „white skin cancer“ (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma) or „black skin cancer“ (malignant melanoma) and skin cancer precursors.
Both in the case of benign changes if the skin change is aesthetically or functionally disturbing or is it a suspicious skin change or in the case of malignant the treatment of choice is usually a complete removal and submission for histopathological examination.
In the facial area in particular, such operations should be performed by experienced surgeons in this area. Both in the removal (excision) and in the defect coverage, aesthetic zones and the course of the so-called split lines in the face must be taken into account in order to achieve an aesthetically pleasing and satisfactory result.
We are at your disposal for a consultation and a clinical examination.